I practise full-time as an arbitrator, taking appointments in disputes arising from international commerce, particularly in shipping, energy, commodities, finance, and insurance.
As a lawyer with a background in these sectors and having served as the Registrar of the London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA) and as the Honorary Secretary of the London Maritime Arbitrators Association (LMAA), I am familiar with the rules and practices in ad hoc, trade association and institutional arbitration. I have been in independent practice as an arbitrator since 2016, full-time since April 2022.
I have been appointed in arbitrations seated in London, Paris, Singapore, Dubai and Copenhagen, as sole arbitrator and on two and three-member panels. I have been involved in more than 60 awards and have drafted more than 40.
No longer practising as a solicitor, I am an Associate Member of Six Pump Court Chambers in London (profile here) and an Aspiring Full Member of the LMAA (profile here).
I accept appointments on the LMAA Terms, under institutional rules, and on ad hoc terms, on the basis of hourly rates and fixed fees.
Contact me on +44 (0)7704 658508 or email jclanchy@jamesclanchy.com.
Correspondence address:
3 Rossiter Road, London SW12 9RY. UK
For communications with my successor as Honorary Secretary of the LMAA, Gerard Hopkins, please use the LMAA’s contact details at lmaa.london/contact.
Correspondence address:
3 Rossiter Road, London SW12 9RY. UK