James Clanchy FCIArb. London based arbitrator in independent practice: shipping, trade, commodities

arbitration for international commerce

London based international commercial arbitrator

James Clanchy, FCIArb. London based arbitrator in independent practice

James Clanchy FCIArb. London based arbitrator in independent practice: shipping, trade, commodities

I practise full-time as an arbitrator, taking appointments in disputes arising from international commerce, particularly in shipping, energy, commodities, finance, and insurance.

As a lawyer with a background in these sectors and having served as the Registrar of the London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA) and as the Honorary Secretary of the London Maritime Arbitrators Association (LMAA), I am familiar with the rules and practices in ad hoc, trade association and institutional arbitration. I have been in independent practice as an arbitrator since 2016, full-time since April 2022.

I have been appointed in arbitrations seated in London, Paris, Singapore, Dubai and Copenhagen, as sole arbitrator and on two and three-member panels. I have been involved in more than 60 awards and have drafted more than 40.

No longer practising as a solicitor, I am an Associate Member of Six Pump Court Chambers in London (profile here) and an Aspiring Full Member of the LMAA (profile here).

I accept appointments on the LMAA Terms, under institutional rules, and on ad hoc terms, on the basis of hourly rates and fixed fees.

Correspondence address: 
3 Rossiter Road, London SW12 9RY. UK

The London Maritime Arbitrators Association

For communications with my successor as Honorary Secretary of the LMAA, Gerard Hopkins, please use the LMAA’s contact details at lmaa.london/contact.

Correspondence address: 
3 Rossiter Road, London SW12 9RY. UK